Whether or not you are fan of Donald Trump, this short video is worth your time.

[Go ahead with your 100 objections first… then watch it anyway.]

In it Donald Miller explains how Trump uses the key elements of a good story and clarity to win over his hearers. This week we’ll talk about story and next week we’ll focus on clarity.

In a nutshell (if you’re pressed for time today), Miller is a genius when it comes to the tried and true framework of how to tell a good story, namely:

  1. There is a character
  2. Who has a problem
  3. Who meets a guide
  4. Who gives them a plan
  5. That calls them to action
  6. That results in either success
  7. …or failure.

The only part of the this framework that I want to focus on right now for preaching is the character with a problem that needs a guide.

What would it look like to reposition and reframe your sermon in such a way that your hearers are the hero and you are the guide who leads them to God, the ultimate Guide?

Try it.

If you’re interested in more about these topics, Donald Miller, Robert McKee and others have lots of insights to share about how the ancient framework of a good story makes what you are saying compelling.

In this podcast, Donald Miller explains in more detail how people want to be the hero of their own story, but are looking for a guide to help them navigate the challenges before them.

The video (17 minutes) and podcast (38 minutes) are well worth your time this week.