For the past year or so I have been reflecting on Martin Luther’sĀ Small CatechismĀ as part of my morning devotions. It began as a project to encourage our catechism students to memorize it in smaller parts (I divided it up into 33), reflecting on one section each day for an entire week.

As with most things that are designed to be “good for others,” this project was also transformative for me. In other words, it was good to be a student of the basic treasures of the Christian faith once again. I’m quite convinced that, even as we mature in the faith, being a “student of the basics” is also part of our calling to become like children as we enter the kingdom of God (Matthew 18:3).

Whether you had a terrible experience in catechism, a delightful one, or never went through a catechism program at all, I hope you join me for this journey. My first post will be Monday morning.

[The text I am using is this one from Augsburg Fortress.]