Chapter 26

Given the vision of the LORD’s victory in chapter 25, we are invited to “sing along,” so to speak, in chapter 26 and to trust in the LORD God, the rock, forever (26:4). The occasion of the LORD’s triumph and victory are cause for this song and we long for him (26:9). What is remarkable is the persistence of the author. In spite of all the kings and rulers of the earth, we are invited by him (with him?) acknowledge the LORD alone (26:13). Even the dead shall join this song of praise (26:19), calling to mind the vision given to Ezekiel (Ezekiel 37). All that has been done will be disclosed on the Day of the Lord (26:21).

Chapter 27

The image of the vineyard reappears in this chapter and the LORD himself is asserted as its keeper (27:2-3). Israel is vindicated again in its vocation to be a light and blessing to the nations (27:6). Hope is given for the return of the people of the Northern Kingdom of Israel, whom Assyria had conquered in 721 BC (27:12). The image of a thresher (cf. Matthew 3:12) is used of the LORD to describe his activity of gathering his people from Egypt and Assyria.

This is a wonderful image as we also apply it to the church, as the elect are gathered from every nation on the planet to give honor and glory to the King. In fact, in a certain sense, this happens every time the Faithful are gathered in God’s name. That is why the liturgy may be described as the place where heaven kisses earth.