Exhausted Yet?
I don’t know about you all, but the craziness of the pre-Christmas season has swept over our family. I think we have evening commitments from now until December 21… then again beginning on Christmas Eve. Our gift list is about half done and I have only made a small dent in the Christmas letter.

And yet there is a lot about this craziness that I must confess that I love. The sheer number of Christmas lights on houses reminds me of Christ the Light who has entered our dark world: Jesus Christ is the Light of the world… the Light no darkness can overcome.

The cookies and candy canes and endless string of parties remind me of the joyous celebration of Christ’s victory over sin and death: the bitter sting of death is swallowed up in Christ’s sweet victory.

And the crazy family Christmas gatherings? These remind me of the wide variety of people that God calls into his Church, into his family of faith.

Bible in 90 Days –> E100
As I write this, many members of our community are completing their reading of the Bible in 90 Days. If you know of someone who participated in this program, you may want to congratulate them and ask them how the experience was.

If you are interested in journeying through the Scriptures, you may want to consider a program beginning in late January and early February called E100: a walk through the Bible’s “essential 100” passages. This program can be done on your own, in small groups, or in a larger group setting.

Lutheran Study Bible
The Lutheran Study Bible will be available on March 1, 2009. If you reserve a copy before December 31, 2008 they are available at a 30% discount (hardcover or paperback). Contact Kathy in the church office (419-287-4182) if you would like to be added to the list. We need 10 total (before December 31) to get the discount. If you would like to look more closely at this new Bible, see the sample pages.

Hebrews Devotions
We continue our journey through the book of Hebrews. Devotions are available here.