A year or so ago I formed an online group as a place to share ministry failures: ideas tried that didn’t work, massive screw ups, etc. I was partially inspired by the work J.R. Briggs is doing over at Epic Fail Pastors.

Do you have a group that you can fail with, and fail often?

Because here’s the thing: In our world vulnerability is connectivity. Failure is where leaders meet each other.

There’s a Japanese proverb that says: Fall down seven times, get up eight. As a Christian, there are resurrection overtones in this proverb as well. Seven is the day of rest, the Sabbath, where Jesus was dead in the tomb. Eight is the day of resurrection, the first day of the new creation, Jesus alive forever.

But failure alone is sometimes terrifying. Actually, it’s almost always terrifying. But when you fail together? Sometimes that can be fun! And at least you have formed a community.

Who are the friends you are failing with?

Go fail.

Seven times.

Then share.

Then get back up.